Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm back...sort of...

I guess I was never very 'incapacitated' as Ben put it, but he was definitely more excited to post pictures...Ben is very happy today because he successfully fed Spencer with a bottle of formula. Unfortunately Spencer is not eating enough to let us bring him home before Sunday. So now I am pumping, nursing and giving a bottle of formula at each feeding. When the milk comes in it will be better, but until then we need to give formula. Of course our priority is getting him 'fat enough' for the Doctor's approval to bring him home. This has happened with each of our babies...they sure come fast and easily enough, but then they have a hard time when they get here! My recovery has been so easy...I have to remember to lay down and take it easy. I have no stitches, tearing or recovery from an epidural. He was only 5 pounds 10 ounces, and third baby, so it was a quick labor. It only got hard and intense when the Dr. broke my water when I was at an 8 and then we were done in about 30 minutes. I don't like being 'stuck' out here in Payson far from home, and I am so grateful Ben's mom decided to stay and help out at home so I can have Ben here with me. I hope we answered the questions...we welcome more and any healthy visitors after Sunday. We'll keep you posted on when we get to bring him home. I am being discharged today, but will stay as a guest in the hospital until Spencer is strong enough to come home. Richard and Garrett came to visit and we set them up with a movie and snacks to keep them happy. We'd walk around and go see the baby through the window.


Amy said...

so happy for you guys and hoping Spencer is able to 'fatten' up soon so we can come meet him :) hope you're feeling well, Corinne!

Cranberryfries said...

The boys look totally at ease. How fun to have them visit the hospital.

Hope you guys get to come home soon!

Sabrina O'Malley said...

Congratulations!!! We are very happy for you and can't wait until you can bring your bundle home. Take care and get lots of sleep, or as much as you can.

Kelly Corbett said...

Congratulations! That is so neat that he was born on the first! Hope you are able to bring him home soon!

Grandma Terri & Grandpa Kent said...

Ben and Corinne,
Spencer is soooooooo cute. I am glad Margot stayed to help - that is the fun part of being grandma, so I'm sure she is enjoying it all. Take care and thanks for keeping us up to date on the news. Hug the boys.
Terri and Kent