Monday, April 4, 2011

Ham, Wall-E and Conference

Spencer's comfort thing lately is actually the book "Green and Eggs and Ham" He calls it "Ham" and even reads it in bed. Kid after my own heart. I love reading in bed on my stomach like he is here. He doesn't like having his picture taken though.

Here is Richard a few days ago drawing Wall-E and Eve out front. For a couple of days it was in the 70s so we greatly enjoyed being outside. Then it snowed Saturday night and is cold but sunny today. Weird.

I actually put some real efford into making Conference enjoyable for the boys. I copied pages from the Friend that were at their level but more ipmortantly we copied pictures of the General Authorities and had the boys cut and paste them onto paper. Then during the Conference we would tell them who was talking and they would write or draw something about what they were speaking.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Richard's drawings are impressive!! and way to go on conference! you're a good mama