Thursday, March 20, 2014

Feeding the ducks

When Margot told us there was a fun place to feed the ducks I was expecting a couple dozen, maybe. This was more than I expected...I guess I don't get out much. FYI-we left Henry at home with Grandpa for a nap; and it was chilly out.


Gypsygal said...

Loving the boys in action. I live across the street from a nammade lake that caters to ducks, geese and grey birds like these. Corinne your voice is wonderful to hear. I miss you sooo.

Gypsygal said...

Wonderful hearing your boys in action, your voice reminds me appreciate the fine woman,mom,wife and all the other roles you play. I miss you and hope I get to see you all sooner than later lol.. Love from aunt SherLee