Thursday, April 9, 2009

My brand new foot...

After Spencer was born I started walking at the mall in the morning. My feet killed me! So I had bunion surgery on march 19th, and was anticipating not being able to walk for 6 weeks...but luckily the surgery went better than hoped for and I only had to stay off it for about 10 days. I lived in the living room for those 10 days, with a little crib next to the couch for the baby and I only crawled upstairs to take a bath. I didn't see my kitchen for those 10 days either...I guess it was somewhat workable since food kept emerging from within...Ben really is a good housekeeper when he needs to be. I am now in a walking cast and just have to stay off it as much as possible...which is darn near impossible with 3 little boys to take care...wait, 4 boys...I love being able to be up and moving around, and cleaning up my house!!! I would go crazy if I ever had to be on bedrest! Oh my! But now I have a lot of empathy for women who have to endure that.
Ben wrote "under construction"...I think it's funny. It doesn't really hurt anymore, just annoying. I'm so grateful for all the ladies who came to help me during that first week, including the cleaning, playing, meals and being company. Thank you so much!
The cast comes off in 3 more weeks, and then hopefully I'll be able to walk like a normal person. :) I'll probably have to wear orthodics for the rest of my life since I also have extremely flat feet, but oh well. At least it won't hurt anymore! We'll consider doing the other foot, but I'm sure not looking forward to it!
My Mom also got to come stay for a week on her spring break, so that was great too! She took the boys out to get them out of the house, provided meals and spent time with me!!! Thanks Mom!

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